I feel bad that I have not posted much this past month. Today marks day 7 of no smoking, and the past 2 days have been the worst so far. It's hard to concentrate on anything, I feel like I'm walking in a fog. It's a really bad feeling, and I wish the cravings and the depression would just stop. I woke up this morning, and realized I had forgotten to print out something very important for Mia's school, and just had a meltdown. I couldn't stop crying for a good 10 minutes. Poor hubby is doing his best to be very very supportive, but my constant bad mood is starting to wear on him. Hopefully by next Monday this will become bearable. :)
I am happy that I finally finished my Marie-Antoinette theater. I have been working on this for almost a week (see what I mean about concentrating, lol??) and I feel it needs more bling, but I cannot stare at it anymore. So I am putting it aside for now, maybe I will come back to it later.

I realized my mom's B-day is Friday and I hadn't made her anything yet, so I worked on this cat all day. She loves anything with cats, and she loves country (So NOT my thing!) so hopefully she will like it!

I used my 50% off coupon at Jo-Ann's and got this sweet little book I have had my eye on for a while. Can't wait to sit down and look over all the pages...

I am reading Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll (a spin off of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice) and LOVE it! If you take it as a sequel to the book, it's very disappointing. But as a book by itself, I am enjoying reading it. Reading seems to be the only thing I can concentrate on for more than 5 minutes...

Have a great night!